两个标准:距离开销between clients and VFs;这些功能的设置开销。in our simulations we measure the actual network distance between a flow path and the locations where functions are executed文章提供NFV位置问题是GAP+设施选址问题的结合。we address one of the main technical challenges in this domain: the actual placement of the virtual functions within the network.背景:ongoing transition into all-IP networks (VoIP, LTE, IP DSLAMs);SDN & control/data 分离;Limitations:(3点)Do not distinguish the difference among NFsDo not consider the chaining requirements in NFV Do not include some NFV constraints, such as VNF forwarding latency constraints (the specific NFV forwarding modes, like standard and fast-path), VNF node sharing constraints (i.e. some Virtual Network Functions are not recommended to be placed at the same node, if them both occupy CPU or other resource)自己总结貌似是:1,chaining问题;2,资源竞争问题;3,VNF之间的延迟
无向图G(V, E) V是顶点集合,E是边集合距离函数d(,)客户端集合C是V的子集NF集合F,大小|F| = m,需要部署在V中的节点上U为能够部署F的节点集合,也是V的子集,其中节点u大小为w(u),F中每个功能i的大小为w(i, u)相关工作:
VNF Placement & Routing Optimization: NFV network model suitable for ISP operations,定义了一般VNF链路由优化问题并设计出一个混合的整体线性编程规划。通过在真实的ISP拓扑上面进行的大量仿真,得出结论:传统交通工程ISP和新的组合式TE-NFV是可以交易的。